Respond to Jesus

We are living in days where the most valuable thing we can do is give more of our time and attention to Jesus! This is the case always. However, I do believe there are times and seasons where the Lord will call us to come away and be with Him in a greater and more intentional way. We […]

Hearing Jesus’ Voice

We all desire to hear the voice of Jesus, or so we think we do until he starts speaking and we now are faced with a decision of whether or not we will obey Him! Hearing the voice of Jesus is directly connected to us giving our attention to Jesus. 17 years ago, while in pre-marital […]


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Israel Encounter 2023


*If you are paying for a single room, write “Single”. If you have a roommate preference, write their name. If you do not have a preference, write "None" & we will pair you with a roommate.


*Your "Preferred Name/Nickname" will be used on your name badge.