Align Your Life with Jesus

We are living in a moment of history that requires a response to God. The thought that we as believers could just somehow sit by on the sideline in this hour and “hope for the best” is completely unacceptable. This is a critical window in the history of our nation. This is a critical window […]

Preoccupied or Apprehended?

We are living in days that require us to really be able to see and hear the Lord. Developing our own personal ability to walk with the Lord and give Him our attention is vital in these days. Those who have not yet found enough concern in being able to walk deeply with the Lord […]

Attention Sets Expectation

As we have been discussing the importance of our attention and how it directly influences and affects our ability to love Jesus and love Him well, I wanted to go a little farther in the conversation with this thought: Depending on where you set your attention will determine how you can set your expectation.  It […]

Give Jesus Your Attention

As we have been diving into the conversation of loving Jesus well, we have chosen to begin the initial series of discussions here with the thought of our attention. Learning how to harness your attention and stay centered upon the Lord, regardless of circumstantial variables is something that requires time and effort. What do I […]

Behold and Become

Since this blog is still considered to be “new,” I will continue to help to establish a framework for what our overall goal will be in writing. We want to provide a place where our team can contribute to your love for Jesus through these short writings in a consistent way. We want to fuel […]

Awareness, Attention, and Interaction

There are a million pursuits that life avails to us. Daily we are confronted with the multiplicity of items that are vying for the attention of our hearts. But in the midst of other seemingly attractive things to look upon stands the worthy One, Jesus. Loving Jesus is the greatest call that life has to […]

Loving Jesus Well

Welcome to the official launch of the Burning Ones blog! We are excited to finally be able to share the beginning of this blog with you. We have carried it in our hearts for quite some time and feel as if now the Lord has given us a green light to begin this journey together. […]


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Israel Encounter 2023


*If you are paying for a single room, write “Single”. If you have a roommate preference, write their name. If you do not have a preference, write "None" & we will pair you with a roommate.


*Your "Preferred Name/Nickname" will be used on your name badge.